Where is the Colloquy

The smug look on the doctor’s face makes me sick. She’s all of a sudden the face of deceict. I don’t think she knows very much about Ted McCarrick. 6 1/2 hour interviews pale to my 56 years of first hand knowledge. Ted must be text book incompetent… If so, lets see the replay of the interviews. Let me see his face and hear is voice answering questions from the Judge. 

If the court received a video of McCarrick being incompetent, then the court would be satisfied with its ruling.  If no picture or video of Colloquy then there are too many what ifs?

Theodore McCarrick’s eloquence vaulted him to the upper echelons of the Catholic Church, and he stayed there, in part, by using that gift to artfully fend off whispers of sexual misconduct that threatened to knock him off his lofty perch.

Now, it’s his loss for words that appears to have spared him a prison sentence from a Massachusetts court.

In a recent psychological evaluation, McCarrick couldn’t remember the words “trial,” “necklace” or “pacemaker,” and he drew a blank when asked for the name of the current president of the United States.

“Yes … the president … president … I see him right in front of me … I knew him when I was in Washington and he was a vice president,” he replied. “Oh, I know him; I just can’t remember his name!” 

“His attorneys explained that Dr. McCarrick usually seems to understand their questions and follow discussions of legal matters. However, they noted that he often later asks questions that reflect a failure to either understand or remember important details of their discussions. This can occur both during (i.e., within minutes) and after (i.e., within hours to days) of a meeting,” Schretlen noted.

“He once asked to set up a meeting to discuss a matter that he was ‘excited’ to bring up, only to forget what it was when they met, nor had he written it down,” his report continued. 

“On numerous occasions, Dr. McCarrick ostensibly asks questions to clarify previously discussed matters, but his questions clearly indicate that he has no memory of the previous discussions,” Schretlen reported. “At other times, he will email cryptic messages, such as the single word ‘effrontery,’ that he is unable to explain later.”

Schretlen concluded that McCarrick has a “severe cognitive disorder” and “everyday functional disability” consistent with dementia and most likely caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

‘My Big Problem’

The June evaluation, conducted by psychologist Kerry Nelligan, was based on six and a half hours of conversations with McCarrick at his residence at the Vianney Renewal Center, a Catholic facility in Dittmer, Missouri, run by the Servants of the Paraclete religious order.

Nelligan’s 28-page report, part of the court record, offers a window into McCarrick’s current health and mindset.

Given McCarrick’s advanced age and deteriorating condition, the document also provides what could wind up being the last public words McCarrick ever makes about the scandals that surround him.

Asked by Nelligan about his understanding of the possible evidence that could be used by the prosecution, McCarrick replied, “I can’t imagine there is anything because I’ve never done this.” <– How can he remember? This is a farce and Neligan is so giddy about being famous. 

Published by Robert Johnson, PhD

Ready for a Change

One thought on “Where is the Colloquy

  1. McCarrick is liar and chances are he will be a liar until his last breath. He will certainly pay for his evil doings in hell for all eternity.


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